December 01, 2014
by Kel Sellers
( It is no secret that what your mind thinks describes your body’s physiology. Recent research has changed this from something that could easily be observed to something powerfully supported by physiological data, expanding the focus of holistic health and holistic healing. It has been shown, for example, that every cell of the body has neurotransmitter receptors, a discovery that cements the mind-body connection.
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Neurotransmitters are the chemicals that allow us to think and feel. This means that to some extent our bodies are “listening” to our minds. Further, according to Dr. Chopra in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, every tissue in the body also produces neurotransmitters, showing that the body is actually thinking along with the brain, or as he indicated, thought emerges into our bodies and brains simultaneously. Our bodies react to those thoughts for good or ill
What about toxins, mutagens and other damaging chemicals we encounter? Some 90% of them have to be converted before they become truly harmful, meaning the same toxins in the same person at different times may be harmful or innocuous. The variable appears to be mental and emotional states.