December 11, 2014
by Case Adams, Naturopath
( Okay, so you have a cold – or those around you have a cold. What to do? Get some drugs? Think again. Most are no better for placebo for the common cold. The most successful proven cold remedies are natural.
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When we get run down by a cold, it’s natural to pine for something to reduce the symptoms and duration of the cold.
The conventional strategy has been to reach for antihistamines, codeine, intranasal decongestants and even – laughably still often mistakenly prescribed – antibiotics.
As to the latter, said simply: A cold is the result of a virus – a rhinovirus to be more precise. Antibiotics treat bacterial infections – and the over-prescription of antibiotics, as has been modus operandi over the past half century, gives rise to antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, ergo superbugs.
The more glaring issue is that research has investigated the above conventional cold strategies and found most are no better than placebo for the purpose of shortening the duration of the common cold.
Research Shows Conventional Cold Remedies No Better Than Placebo
For example, in 2008, researchers from Ireland’s Royal College of Surgeons reviewed 26 clinical trials that included 4,037 people. The studies covered a variety of antihistamines and decongestants, including antitussive and bronchodilator combinations. The findings were dismal. In most studies, they were no more effective than placebo.
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