December 11, 2014
by Christina Sarich
( The CDC recently admitted that this year’s flu shot likely won’t protect you from the flu, but did it ever? Though the CDC has issued a formal apology regarding the issue for this season, flu vaccinations have long been seen as ineffective by a horde of experts. But don’t worry – here you will find more than 20 natural flu remedies using natural antivirals.
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No surprise here, but there won’t be any refund for insurance companies or patients who have already taken a flu vaccination early as preparation for the 2015 flu season in January and February, despite the CDC’s admission of its inefficacy.
At the end of its apology, though, the CDC says that there is a ‘cure’ for the flu, but it will cost you. GlaxoSmithKline and Roche will happily provide you with two anti-viral medications for patients who come down with the flu. So even if you don’t want to get the flu shot due to it being ineffective, Big Pharma will still gladly handle your case.
Interestingly, the flu shot may never really be protecting you, as since there is no single virus that causes the flu, and therefore there is no one flu vaccine that protects against all of them. A virus mutates over time. It adapts. If a vaccine is created to kill one type of virus, it can mutate into another organism, specifically adapted to withstand the ‘medicine’ that was created to kill it. Biotech has simply attempted to come up with a one-dose, all-purpose vaccine that will kill every virus.
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