February 13, 2015
by Barbara Minton
(AlignLife.com) Have you noticed products containing flaxseed springing everywhere food is sold? Food producers are trying to get on the bandwagon because flaxseed and flax oil have been shown to be highly effective against ovarian cancer, and breast cancer too.
[Sponsor Links: Organic Flax Oil]
Flaxseed is rich in phytoestrogen lignans, and in alpha linolenic fatty acids which the body converts into the Omega 3 fatty acids you’ve probably been hearing a lot about. These compounds have been shown to have potent anti-cancer effects. Flax oil is the active ingredient in Dr. Johanna Budwig’s cancer protocol, the most highly documented effective alternative treatment for breast cancer.
New studies shows flaxseed is highly effective against ovarian and breast cancers
Read the rest of this great article and then return to Utopia Silver for great supplements–>