March 02, 2015
by Tony Isaacs
(AlignLife) ADHD is the term now used to describe children who have an attention problems with or without hyperactivity. Fortunately, this condition may be prevented or improved with diet and supplements, and without the use of risky mainstream drugs.
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Though ADHD may in part be a syndrome created to describe age-old problems and publicized in order to sell drugs, it is also likely that modern living conditions are resulting in an increase in childhood and adult concentration and attention problems.
The suspected culprits for these problems are multiple and start with vaccinations. They also include excessive sugar and high fructose corn syrup consumption, lack of vital nutrients, increased environmental toxins, food additives such as MSG, GMO crops, and exposure to microwaves and other electro magnetic radiation. In addition, lack of proper nurturing and parenting likely plays a big role as well.
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