July 07, 2015
The past two weeks I’ve reported on three alternative doctors (two MD’s and one DC, PhD) who were found dead in less than two weeks (Click through for stories and funds for families as well as numbers to report tips to authorities) It was with heavy heart, as I knew a few of the doctors and have many mutual friends with all three. The only update on the third one, Dr. Teresa Sievers MD, is that they have absolutely no suspects in mind, and her husband and kids were out of state in Connecticut at a family reunion that she left early to get home to see patients. (update: Initially I said I would not post a link Dr. Sievers in this article and I didn’t. People started questioning me. So, as much as it pains, me, here is the most recent article from NBC. Click through at your own risk. I’m not posting the details here out of respect.
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Now, in just a few days, we have two more doctors missing…
The first is Dr. Fitzpatrick MD of North Dakota who went missing in or around July 3rd. NBC is reporting on his disappearance. Little else is known at this time. Note: Initially it was reported he was a DO, but now we see that’s another Patrick Fitzpatrick in the area. This doctor specializes in Ophthalmology and is an MD. From all accounts it appears he practiced in North Dakota, but was found missing in neighboring Montana.
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