July 23, 2015
(NaturalSociety.com) I try to write about natural health and food safety issues without putting my personal life into them too often, but we all know our personal views can influence us. I’m going to tell you how upset I am by the CDC’s declaration that mothers should delay breastfeeding to boost vaccine efficacy.
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Here it is – I know not everyone agrees about vaccines, and that’s O.K. But what isn’t O.K. is when a government agency meant to prevent the spread of disease (well, at least that’s what they say openly) tells mothers to stop doing one thing that has mountains of evidence behind it to prove that it is not only beneficial, but vital to an infant’s health.
When you think the CDC might be corrupt, as evidenced from recent whistle-blowing facts, you don’t always realize just how deep and dark that corruption truly can be. The news that not one, but ten researchers from the CDC’s National Centers for Immunization and Respiratory Disease (NCIRD) released a paper arguing that because the immune-boosting effects of breastmilk inhibit the effects of the live oral rotavirus vaccine, nursing mothers should delay breastfeeding their infants is stupefying.
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