July 30, 2015
(GreenMedInfo.com) It’s time to consider the possibility that industrial farming with its focus on chemicals such as glyphosate and glufosinate have played an important role in creating drought and other severe weather patterns.
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The term microbiome can be misleading because it conjures images of things so small and insignificant that, in relation to macroscopic phenomena, they are literally invisible. These ubiquitously distributed bacteria collectively constitute together something of a globe-spanning organism, and their collective power to affect changes in the planet’s climate may be far more profound than any of us imagined.
For instance, it is now known that the atmospheric microbiome actually regulates rain and snow formation and precipitation. In fact, Earth is surrounded by microbes and the products of microbes flying from land to sky and back to land. A recent article explains how “Over land outside the tropics, only 1 percent of rain events involve ice-free clouds, according to the new study.” And what is the most significant rain-making bacteria identified to date but an ice-nucleating bacteria called Pseudomonas syringae? Perhaps it would be more accurate to speak of these bacteria in the atmosphere in toto not as a microbiome but an “atmospheric macrobiome.”
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