8/17/2015 (VaccinationCouncil.org) The dark tale about the scorpion catching a ride across a river on the back of a frog comes to mind. As they approached mid-river, the scorpion stung the frog, despite all his promises to refrain, and as they both began to sink, the frog said to the scorpion: Why did you do that?! Now we’ll both drown! I couldn’t help myself, said the scorpion; it’s my nature.
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The video linked below (1) is the latest addition to the saga of Dr. Bill Thompson, the CDC whistleblower who a few months ago admitted publicly that the original data gathered in a CDC study of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, published in 2004, showed a remarkable 340% higher probability of autism in African-American boys if they received the vaccine at the recommended 12 to 18 months, instead of at 36 months, but the incriminating data were then discarded, after the fact, by changing the parameters of the study – a highly unethical maneuver. This video is poignant in two ways: it provides the evidence that in the case of what they termed “isolated autism”, probability of autism diagnosis was actually higher across the board, irrespective of race; and it displays the documented decisions to re-format the study parameters – the study design – after the initial data collection.
The core of the validity of any study is the thought that goes into its design; the care taken to assure that the information gathered will yield the correct answer to the question asked. To change the design midstream, in response to displeasure with the initial results, is akin to a child brushing away the cookie crumbs from around the cookie jar after he’s pilfered a few to eat, except in this case it’s accountable adults, tasked with investigating a possible cause of what could easily be characterized as the most pressing national problem – the epidemic that is autism, brushing away data showing that American families – African-American, especially – are more likely to suffer the tremendous financial, social, familial and marital burden that autism can be, if their kids are given the MMR vaccine by the CDC’s recommended schedule, as opposed to delaying the shot ’til 36 months.
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