Sept. 08, 2015
( Half of the U.S. adult population is simultaneously both against abortion and for a vaccine schedule that uses induced abortion derived fetal cells. How can such an extreme form of moral hypocrisy be maintained by millions without virtually any discussion?
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It is extremely cognitively dissonant fact that at least half of Americans polled consider themselves to be against abortion (i.e. “pro-life”), yet the vast majority of Americans support a vaccine schedule that requires the induced abortion of a fetus (and the subsequent harvesting of aborted fetal cells) for the production of vaccines that they have themselves and their children injected with.
Induced abortion derived fetal cells are used in the production of a range of medical products, but primarily biologicals like vaccines. Their use was first innovated by Dr. Leonard Hayflick, in the 1960’s, working at the Wistar Institute located in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Hayflick found them an ideal substrate for the growth of viruses to be used in live vaccines. It has been estimated that, “One aborted baby can be the source of a cell strain with a potential yield of about 20 million metric tons of cells, which can be stored frozen for many years.”1 Clearly their utility for the mass production of vaccines is one reason why they were chosen despite the moral controversy.
You can view an extensive list of fetal cell derived products here, along with the particular fetal cell line used, the manufacturer of the product, and what if any ‘ethical’ non-fetal cell products exist as an alternative. Below is a diagram of the vaccines in the U.S. and Canada vaccine schedules that contain aborted cell line derived vaccines (in red):
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