Sept. 21, 20o15
( New research suggests that vitamin C may give you some of the same heart benefits as regular exercise.
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A study from the University of Colorado, Boulder examined the effects of vitamin C supplements on overweight and obese adults. This group of people is often advised to exercise to improve their heart health but more than 50% ignore the advice.
In a presentation at the 14th International Conference on Endothelin: Physiology, Pathophysiology and Therapeutics, the Colorado researchers revealed that taking a 500 mg time-released vitamin C supplement every day can have similar cardiovascular benefits as regular exercise in these adults.[i]
The researchers noted that the blood vessels of overweight and obese people have elevated activity of a protein called endothelin-1 (ET-1). This protein constricts small blood vessels making them less responsive to blood flow demand. That increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
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