November 12, 2015
( Consumers likely recall that they have been inundated with anti-fat, anti-lard, and even anti-coconut oil propaganda for decades – until recently, of course. The constant use of the term “artery-clogging saturated fat” seared the minds of people who laid awake at night wondering if they had heart burn or if this was the night they’d never wake up. Yesterday’s propaganda that vegetable/grain-based oil was the only salvation from early death was politically motivated, and untrue. At least to the extent of the hysteria raised by industry scientists at the time.*
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Just on the heels of WHO releasing a report that processed meats are linked to cancer, new research finally dissipates the idea that cooking with vegetable oils is healthy. In fact, it is anything but healthy and is damaging to the human body. The Sydney Morning Herald recently reported (emphasis added):
Cooking with vegetable oils releases toxic chemicals linked to cancer and other diseases, according to leading scientists, who are now recommending food be fried in olive oil, coconut oil, butter or even lard. The results of a series of experiments threaten to turn on its head official advice that oils rich in polyunsaturated fats – such as corn oil and sunflower oil – are better for the health than the saturated fats in animal products. Scientists found that heating up vegetable oils led to the release of high concentrations of chemicals called aldehydes, which have been linked to illnesses including cancer, heart disease and dementia.
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