November 12, 2015
Dateline: Utopia, Texas
by Briana McDonald, Natural Healing Writer
( We all know that our bodies are smarter than we are, in fact if it were left up to us, we would probably forget to do all of the numerous things it does on a day to day basis. Woops, forgot to grow my hair and nails today! It also looks like I forgot to secrete the protective layer of mucus to prevent my stomach from digesting itself! It’s on tomorrow’s to do list. Could you imagine being in charge of all these functions? To maintain proper health and to promote healing in our bodies, all we simply have to do is put the right things into it. So why choose plant minerals? Well, let’s see by exploring the healing power of plant minerals.
Two time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling went so far as to state unequivocally “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” Minerals are in fact, the building blocks for optimal health and vitality. Without them, nothing else works quite as it should. Amino acids and enzymes do not work, and vitamins and other nutrients do not get broken down and absorbed properly so we end up with extreme deficiencies in both vitamins and minerals.
Read the rest of this great article and please go to for great supplements–>