November 27, 2015
( This essay is not about MMS (Magical Mineral Supplement), which I have written about before. MMS is not something that ever attracted me; certainly, it is hard to stand its smell. What this article is about are the real magic minerals, which together bring about the miracle of life. Plants often know better than people do. They thrive on highly mineralized soil. They know what is good for them and what they need.
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The most important essential minerals that make us strong and lubricate the biological process of life are magnesium, bicarbonate, iodine, selenium, sodium, calcium, potassium and zinc. These are the everyday minerals that we need in sufficient quantities for the body to heal itself. Doctors and western medicine in general have no idea, in a practical sense, what causes the full spectrum of chronic diseases, yet we know when plants do not grow up strong that there is something missing in their soil. These minerals are vital for health and as such when we get sick with either acute syndromes or chronic disease, they make the very best medicines.
Calcium becomes toxic in the face of magnesium deficiencies but deficiencies in any of these minerals will stunt growth and health. Almost everyone has some fears based on heavy conditioning and misinformation about selenium fearing its toxicity, which is extremely low if taken in the correct form. If one wants to take selenium in the same form that they give to horses well then you will be taking your chances at high dosages. However, in the form developed by the great medical genius Dr. Revici, where selenium is chemically bound to a lipid, extremely high dosages are tolerated easily. I wrote my book on selenium when I found out a pharmaceutical company was producing injectable selenium for intensive care wards for inflammation.
Read the rest of this great article and please go to for great supplements and healing protocols–>