December 10, 2015
( Do you take saunas? Human beings have used sweat baths for hygienic and health purposes since the Stone Age. Our ancestors saw the value of sweating to flush out toxins and disease as a way to maintain optimal physical and mental health. Today in the U.S. the Finnish sauna is helping people achieve the same goal.
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Cultures around the world have versions of the sweat bath: The ancient Roman thermae, the Japanese onsen, the Russians banya, the Native North American’s inipi, and the Turkish bath or Hamam.
The Miriam-Webster dictionary defines sauna as:
*A special heated room in which people sit or lie down in order to get hot and sweat
*A Finnish steam bath in which the steam is provided by water thrown on hot stones
*A dry heat bath; also a room or cabinet used for such a bath
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