The study, published in the International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination, examined 30 vaccines (44 samples in total), and found particulate matter, in aggregates and clusters. The composition of those clusters, the researchers say, are consistent with “burnt waste”. They also found red blood cells of unknown origin, and extensive metal contamination, including lead, chromium and tungsten.
These findings come at time when vaccines are under increasing attack for their likely role in sudden-onset and long-term disorders, including autism, ADHD. HPV vaccines have been linked to Guillan-Barre syndrome, premature ovarian failure (sterility). There is also now a consistent pattern of reports of contamination of vaccines with unwanted viruses and retroviruses, residue from human and pig tissues, and pathogens like bacteria. And while ongoing controversies surround both the vaccine safety science, the US District Court (Eastern Pennsylvania) is reviewing allegations that Merck spiked human serum samples with rabbit antibodies to increase the apparent efficacy of their MMR vaccine to avoid entry of competitor’s vaccines into the market.
The authors are certain that no contaminants of this type should be present in any vaccine. In fact, in the one veterinary vaccine tested, the results came back clean – no particulates, aggregates, clusters, metals, or red blood cells.
Lead author Dr. Antonietta Gatti was kind enough to engage Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, CEO of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (, and author of “The Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism (Skyhorse, 2016)” in an interview on their study.
JLW: Your study has remarkable finding that could have, and some say should have, profound and immediate impact on public health policies around the globe. What was your motivation for the study?
AG: In fact, we did not have any motivation, at least at the beginning. Our analyses on vaccines started by accident about fifteen years ago when the university hospital of Mainz (Germany) asked us to analyze samples of an anti-allergy vaccine they administered. Their problem was the formation of painful swellings around the injection point, and those wheals would not go away.
JLW: What did you find?
AG: With our electron-microscope technique we analyzed the samples of both vaccines and wheals and found solid particles inside both of them. Those particles should not have been there.
JLW: What were you most surprised to find?
AG: We had never questioned the purity of vaccines before. In fact, for us the problem did not even exist. All injectable solutions had to be perfectly pure and that was an act of faith on which it sounded impossible to have doubts. For that reason, we repeated our analyses several times to be certain. In the end, we accepted the evidence.
JLW: What is the medical significance of finding aggregates and clusters in the vaccines you studied?
AG: Certainly the particles, be they isolated, aggregated or clustered, are not supposed to be there. They are foreign bodies our tissues can’t recognize and, because of that, they are perceived as potential enemies. The biological reactions are expected to be fairly complicated, with macrophages that try to engulf them the way they do normally with bacteria and parasites. Unfortunately, though, the particles we found then and keep finding now in vaccines are not biodegradable. So, all macrophages’ efforts are useless and, also depending on the chemical elements involved, the particles may be especially toxic. Cytokines and pro-inflammatory substances in general are released and a granulation tissue forms enveloping the particles. This involves inflammation, and, in the long run, such a chronic condition can lead to cancer.
In the case of vaccines, besides the local problem we checked for Mainz, there are three more possibilities: one, the most likely, is that those particles spread throughout the body and, because of their small quantity in such a comparatively huge volume, they don’t immediately trigger any clinically visible reaction. The next, certainly rarer, possibility is that they are carried by the blood and move to the central nervous system and, more in particular, to some of the different compartments of the brain. Depending on the point they reach, the reaction is obviously different. So, conditions like, among others, autism are impossible to rule out a priori.
The last possibility is that particles or other contaminants reach the microbiota. In that case, unlike what happens with the brain whose reactions become visible in a few hours, nothing can be seen before weeks or a few months. The bacteria that form our microbiota are essential to synthesize enzymes, many of which are indispensable for the proper functioning of some of the numerous activities of the brain. If that is the case, that production can be wrong and the chemistry of the enzymes be not what it should be. The supply of enzymes containing, for instance, mercury or other pollutants takes time to be delivered and that’s why the reaction is not immediately detectable.
JLW: Who funded the study?
AG: Besides for very rare cases where groups of citizens have approach us to analyze samples, and, once, a prosecutor’s office repaid our expenses, we put our own money into this research.
JLW: How do you suppose those substances got into the vaccines?
AG: That’s a question we can’t answer. The only way would be to be able to inspect the laboratories where vaccines are produced, but no pharmaceutical company would allow us. Generally speaking, GMP, i.e. the procedures of good manufacturing practice those laboratories are obliged to follow, are focused on organic and biological matter, but disregard inorganic particulate.
JLW: Can you tell us why you think it looks like a mixture of residues from “burnt waste”?
AG: When you burn waste, the particles produced are made of different substances that are rarely seen in combination. In some cases, unusual mixtures of different elements are simply due to chance, depending on the atoms or small molecules that come mutually in touch, and, at least in a number of circumstances we keep coming across, particles with an odd composition is what is present also in vaccines. That does not mean that the origin is the same.
JLW: Is there any reason why government agencies do not routinely perform such screening?
AG: An embarrassing question. Do you mind if I don’t answer?
JLW: Correct me if I’m wrong, but you reported that the veterinarian animal vaccine was clean, but the human vaccines are contaminated. Why do you think this is so?
AG: As a matter of fact, Feligen, the only vaccine for veterinary use we analyzed, proved to be free from particles. I have no explanation for that. The only thing I can say is that it is evidently possible to produce a clean vaccine.
JLW: What do you say to people who are concerned that you didn’t run any “control” samples?
AG: I wonder how they can say that. Of course I did.
JLW: Do you think the aluminum levels in pediatric vaccines are safe?
AG: Aluminum is notoriously toxic. Babies are probably more likely to be affected by levels of aluminum seen in vaccine, but aluminum is unsafe in any case.
JLW: What must be done about this?
AG: From my point of view, which is a merely technical one, it’s easy: you learn how to check vaccines, you are properly taught to understand what you see and you forbid polluted vaccines to be distributed. This would immediately ensure that producers take appropriate counter-measures, for example by working in a truly clean environment and by carrying out their analyses the way that should be done.
JLW: Is there anything else you would like the general public to know?
AG: The only things I can say is be properly informed and always ask for the evidence of what you hear say. Always read the leaflets that are mandatorily contained in the vaccine packaging and that the doctor is obliged to make you read. Always pose all the questions that you feel like posing, and do not be satisfied if they do not really respond to everything you want to know. Never make acts of faith and never trust who do. Don’t ever give your health, and the health of your children, to anyone.
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Read more about the original study in a previous report:
Dirty Vaccines: Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated With Metals and Debris in New Study
James Lyons-Weiler, PhD is a Pittsburgh-area scientist, lecturer, and author of Ebola, An Evolving Story, who has worked collaboratively for over twenty years on over one hundred research studies. Thanks to a Sloan Foundation fellowship, he was able to shift focus to biomedical problems in cancer, diabetes, heart disease, infectious disease and many other aspects of clinical, biomedical and translational research. Learn more on his website.
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