By: Tony Isaacs
(The Best Years in Life) A new study by the Mayo Clinic has confirmed what we have been reporting and warning for years: Americans are becoming ever more dependent on prescription drugs. According to the study, nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug and more than half take two.
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Study reveals the increased use of prescription drugs by Americans
The study found that 17 percent of those studied were prescribed antibiotics, 13 percent were taking antidepressants and 13 percent were on opioids. High blood pressure medications were the fourth most prescribed (11 percent) and vaccines were fifth (11 percent). With the exception of medications for high blood pressure, the drugs were prescribed to both men and women across all age groups.
Prescription drug use has increased steadily in the U.S. for the past decade. The percentage of people who took at least one prescription drug in the past month increased from 44 percent in 1999-2000 to 48 percent in 2007-08
Drug use increases with advancing age
Overall, women and older adults receive the most prescriptions. Women receive more prescriptions than men across several drug groups, especially antidepressants: Nearly 1 in 4 women aged 50-64 are on one or more antidepressants.
“As you get older you tend to get more prescriptions, and women tend to get more prescriptions than men,” study author Dr. St. Sauver said.
The unhealthy consequences of commonly prescribed drugs
Recent year studies have revealed an increasing pattern of the potential harm antibiotics may cause. As CNN reported in March, the FDA warned that azithromycin, a popular antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections can cause abnormal and possibly fatal heart rhythms.
In July 2012, the Daily Mail reported that a class of powerful broad spectrum antibiotics called fluoroquinolones could cause alarming side-effects which included inflamed or ruptured tendon, chest pain, rapid heart beat, black outs, swelling, hot flushes, sweating, pancreatitis and tinnitus.
In May, 2011 Natural News reported that the antibiotic trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, which has been in wide use since l968, can cause serious adverse and even deadly reactions.
Last month, Natural News reported that the list of antidepressants that can cause sudden death is growing exponentially, citing a new study published in the British Medical Journal.
Also last month, health authority Byron Richards reported on a bombshell article by researchers from Canada and the U.S. which stated that commonly used SSRI antidepressants do far more harm than good.
Opiod pain killers are the most abused prescription drugs. In addition to addiction, opiods can cause cardiovascular problems and fatal seizures as well as paranoia, abnormal heartbeat, choking, changes in mood, decreased cognitive function, interruptions in the menstrual cycle, infertility and slowed breathing.
Blood Pressure Medications
As has been reported and documented, blood pressure medications do not increase life – they actually shorten it.
Vaccine dangers, including death, permanent disability and many others have been well documented at Natural News and other outlets, yet they continue to be widely prescribed and marketed by mainstream medicine. Not coincidentally vaccines have also been referred to as Big Pharma’s number one cash cow.
Nature has safer and more effective answers
Sadly, most Americans are unaware of safer and more effective natural alternatives which, unlike unnatural mainstream medications which mainly manage symptoms, often actually correct and heal health conditions. However, you cannot patent and hugely profit from nature like Big Pharma does with their unnatural compounds – and thus we continue to see the increasing drugging of America and the resultant health consequences.
See also:
Unwarranted Off-label Psych Drug Prescriptions are Dooming Millions of Children’s Lives
UK data finds prescription drugs 62,000 times more likely to kill than supplements
Hospitals and commonly prescribed drugs are killing and harming the elderly
1 in 6 Older ER Patients Wrongly Given Potentially Harmful Drugs
Kids Have More Mental Illness Than Ever, Says CDC, Need More Drugs
Science Confirms Turmeric as Effective as 14 Drugs
Which is really safer or more effective – mainstream drugs or nature?