by Paul Fassa
(The Best Years in Life) An unusual exercise to improve mental health and acuity was featured in a Los Angeles CBS News report with an MD a few years ago. The Los Angeles CBS report had a pediatrician, a Yale neurobiologist, an occupational therapist, educators, and parents endorsing it. It is a simple routine, and it has created positive results for learning disabled and autistic children as well as older Alzheimer’s victims.
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However, it’s useful for any kind of brain fog or dullness, even emotional instability. It can improve memory and focus, and it’s even made some a little smarter. It seems to improve mental clarity, focus, and memory for everyone regardless of mental condition. There is a video demonstration link provided in the last sentence the of this article.
How to Do This Simple Exercise
Standing with your feet pointing straight ahead, spread them apart about shoulder width. Grab your right earlobe with the thumb and finger of your left hand. Cross over your left arm with your right arm and do the same using your right hand on the left earlobe. Your thumbs should be on the outside of your earlobes.
Then squat as fully as you can, breathing in. That’s a little counter intuitive, but that’s what you do. Breathe in as you squat.
Then breathe out as you stand. The breathing needs to be synchronized with the squats. Continue this motion repetitively while holding both earlobes for three minutes. That may be too much at first, so start with one minute. One can go up to five minutes, but three is good enough to improve the brain’s functioning.
This can be done by anyone at any age and should be done on a daily basis until the fog lifts! If practiced enough, it may improve mood swings and relieve irritability. Most of the people interviewed said it helped in all these categories.
How It Works
Los Angeles physician Dr. Eric Robins says that the brain cells and neurons are energized with this simple exercise. He prescribes it to his patients and has had excellent results. One example of his is a youngster doing poorly in school. After being introduced to the exercise, that child went on to become an A student.