by PF Louis
(NaturalNews) It’s well known that antibiotics are used heavily on factory farm animals. Their close quarters in CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) are breeding farms for pathogenic bacteria and parasites. In order to curb infectious diseases among farm animals, antibiotics are used widely. So widely that 70% to 80% of all antibiotic use goes into farm animals through feed and injections.
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But this trend is slowly changing, perhaps too slowly. It has started in Japan and the EU already, and a few American farmers are picking up on the practice of using natural protections against infectious disease with their confined animals. Of course, maybe someday enormous lots of confined animals for slaughter or mass producing dairy and eggs will become outmoded, maybe, hopefully.
The problem as it is currently
Most factory farmers’ main concern probably isn’t food safety. Bacterial, fungal and parasite infestation ihibits livestock growth, making the livestock’s meat less marketable. Big dairy farmers use antibiotics to keep cows’ udders from getting so infected that they can’t keep producing milk. But those infections come from hormones, such as rBGH (thanks Monsanto), to increase milking yields and over-machine-milking itself.
The whole business of factory farms, with farm animals being fed GMO corn and soy mash, is animal cruelty that comes back to haunt human consumers with degraded health. And mainstream medicine’s concern is the curse of increased pathogenic resistance to antibiotics.
There are two avenues of human overuse of antibiotics leading to antibiotics resistance:
Primary: Where, every time you get the sniffles or any infection, physicians prescribe antibiotics. During a hospital stay, you may even have 24/7 IV antibiotics and leave with oral prescriptions for weeks or months.
Secondary: Where the factory farm products you eat bring the animals’ antibiotics into your system. It’s like second hand cigarette smoke, but it’s edibles instead.
Frankly, until natural antibiotics such as colloidal silver and others are recognized and used, and until mainstream medical practitioners advocate probiotic use during and after antibiotic runs, who needs Big Pharma’s toxic antibiotics? Here’s how bad they can get (
Farm animal antibiotic solutions