by PF Louis
(NaturalNews) Curcumin keeps coming on strong as an actual disease preventative and curative for many ailments. Sometimes it works well by itself and sometimes as an adjunct with other herbs or vitamins. Curcumin is the active ingredient of the Indian spice turmeric, which is essential to curry sauces.
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Curry sauces are made with turmeric, clarified butter (ghee), yogurt or milk, and whatever variety of spices that suits your taste. Turmeric can also be used as a food based herbal remedy by simply mixing the powder into yogurt and eating it. Milk fats assist the digestion and absorption of curcumin from the turmeric.
Curcumin curbs inflammation, which is the basis of most disease. Whether simply using turmeric as a food based ingredient or taking curcumin capsules, several studies have confirmed curcumin as surprisingly helpful for a variety of maladies.
Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and all inflammatory based diseases are helped with inexpensive curcumin capsules or food based turmeric and curry. (
Dr. Russell Blaylock recommends using curcumin capsules along with vitamin D3 and other supplements after a vaccination to stem the potential damage from a cytokine storm, the onslaught of an out of control immune response devouring healthy nerve tissue.
Now recent studies show curcumin offers protection against adult onset diabetes, or type 2
Curcumin for diabetes prevention research
A recent study reported to USA Today via Reuters was done in Thailand. Somlak Chuengsamarn of Srinakhairnwirot University, led the research team that studied 240 prediabetic subjects.
Prediabetis is an early warning phase of higher than normal blood glucose levels. Overweight is usually part of that package, and some diabetic symptoms may be experienced from time to time with this condition.
The 240 prediabetic subjects were divided into two groups for a nine month observational study. One-half were given six 250 mg curucumanoid capsules daily for the nine months, and the others were given a placebo.
That’s the cruelty of scientific double blind studies. You could volunteer with a serious health problem and not know you were given a placebo while others got the real thing. Not too nice.