by Jonathan Landsman
(NaturalNews) Being a woman should never be considered a ‘risk factor’ for disease. Sadly, the drug culture – created by the pharmaceutical industry – wants every woman to solve their health issues with toxic drugs. In truth, no woman should accept a life filled with chronic pain or discomfort like, premenstrual cramps (PMS), yeast infections, bone loss, headaches and mood swings.
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Don’t let western medicine poison you to death! Anti-inflammatory drugs for PMS; antibiotics for bacterial infections and antidepressants for anxiety will never truly solve the underlying environmental or emotional causes of disease. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, we’ll talk about how to naturally eliminate the need for toxic drugs and risky medical procedures.
The real cause (and solutions) for PMS
Crazy as this may sound – conventional medicine acts as if women have a ‘design flaw’ within their physiology and the only way to eliminate menstrual pain is to medicate the uterus with aspirin, birth control pills or, even hard-core drugs like danazol – which can cause facial hair growth, acne and a deeper voice. Yet, if you’re not part of the dumbed-down medical community, any conscious human being would know that simple changes to diet and lifestyle behaviors would be a wiser choice over the use of drugs.
When it comes to diet, natural health experts will suggest that too much sugar consumption, alcohol, caffeine, and a lack of exercise contributes to PMS. Make every effort to limit your consumption of highly-processed, refined carbohydrates; factory-farmed dairy (and meat) products – laced with synthetic growth hormones and avoid the use of household (and personal care) products loaded with estrogen-like toxins, pesticides and other unwanted pollutants.
Want to learn more about natural ways to eliminate chronic health problems? Tune into the next NaturalNews Talk Hour – when we talk about the best nutritional supplements for women’s health.
Don’t let migraine headaches destroy your life
A shocking statistic – migraine is the most common neurological condition in the western world. Unfortunately, women tend to get this horrible head pain – more than men. Could it be due to hormonal imbalances? I just wish conventionally-trained medical doctors would wake up and really learn how to care for women in pain.