by Ethan A Huff
(NaturalNews) If you thought the possibility of horse meat in your fast food hamburger was bad, then you will be utterly horrified at what was recently discovered as part of an in-depth BBC investigation into fast food. As reported by the U.K.’s Mirror recently, samples of “lamb” meat taken from several Indian, Asian, and other take-out restaurants in London may have been composed entirely of either cat or dog, or both.
But since investigators have yet to actually identify the meat — beef, chicken, pork, goat, horse, and even human flesh were all ruled out — it is difficult to say what the restaurants in question are actually serving. And more disturbing is the implication that foreign meat substances posing as beef, chicken, and lamb may be widespread throughout not only England, but the rest of Europe and the Western world.
“Just when we though things couldn’t get any worse, the results came in for an Indian lamb curry,” said a spokesman for the BBC3 documentary The Horsemeat Banquet about the findings. “It did contain meat — but it was not lamb, not pork, nor was it chicken or beef. Not horse, and not goat either. At this moment, the lab is unable to identify exactly which animal this meat came from.”
This recent discovery comes after samples of frozen meals and other fast food collected throughout the U.K. tested positive for horse meat. Though clearly labeled as beef, chicken, and other popular meats, many of the dishes tested were found to have been contaminated with horse scraps, which were later identified as having come from Romania and other eastern-European countries.
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