by Barbara Minton
(Health Secrets) The tide may be turning against the production of genetically modified crops, but this change is not powered by ideology. Simple economics is the driving force as farmers come to the conclusion that the crops grown from genetically modified seeds are less productive and less profitable.
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Although genetically modified seeds have always cost more to buy, farmers initially embraced them because of the promises made by the companies doing the genetic engineering and selling the seeds, primarily Monsanto and DuPont and Dow Chemical. These promises included higher yields and less need for expensive herbicides and pesticides. Rootworm became a thing of the past because of the Bt gene used in genetically modified corn, and all seemed well.
But as Elizabeth Royte reported in her recent article for Modern Farmer, the worm turned, and farmers now find themselves faced with worms that have adapted, and weeds that have become resistant and turned into superweeds.
Thinking about a future of lower corn prices and high costs, one farmer decided to experiment. He planted 320 acres of conventional corn and 1700 acres with genetically modified corn. Surprisingly, the conventional fields yielded 15 to 30 more bushels per acre than the GM fields, providing him with a profit margin increase of up to $100 acre.
Other farmers are losing patients with GM traits that no longer work like they once did. They also cite the cost of genetically modified seed, which can cost $150 more per bag than conventional seed. Unstable traits and the development of resistance calls for farms to buy and apply more chemicals. Some are now even spraying their GM corn, despite it’s supposed resistance to rootworm.
Royte noted that between 2002 and 2010, the consumer advocacy group Food & Water Watch reported “total on-farm herbicide use increased 26 percent as weed resistance grew.” In spite of these efforts, farmers are now plagued with glyphosate-resistant weeds.