by Paul Fassa
(The Best Years in Life) Almost “everyone knows” that Aloe vera soothes and heals minor burns and peptic ulcer attacks. But out of 240 species of Aloe, only three or four of them contain the powerful synergistic medicinal properties to handle AIDS and cancer. Others commercially available are useful for digestive and skin irritations, including burns, or as a general health and gastrointestinal (GI) tract tonic. This article introduces two of the more powerful healing types of Aloe vera with dramatic video testimonies.
[Sponsor link: Utopia Naturals Silver & Gold Aloe Skin Care, Soothing Silver Aloe Gel]
Aloe vera barbadenis is one of the more medicinally powerful. Another is the Aloe arborescense plant, which studies have shown is even more powerful than other Aloe vera leaves, including the barbedenis variety. Both of these are available in organic whole leaf juices. Whole leaf Aloe arborescence juice is what Franciscan Friar Romano Zago used to cure cancers in his Brazilian diocese.
Father Zago wrote papers during the 1980s on the Aloe vera cure for cancer that he had learned from native villagers and used clinically for cancerous patients in his parrish. The arborescense variety was indigenous to Brazil, but is cultivated and available elsewhere. Zago gave his blessing to an American company that promised to remain faithful to his original plant recipe.
Dramatically Successful Aloe Vera Human Trials Ignored
During the 1980s decade of peak AIDS epidemic terror, trials were conducted among AIDS patients in Belgium and the USA. drinking five ounces of whole leaf Aloe vera barbedenis juice four times daily. They discovered rapid dramatic improvements with or without AZT, the pharmaceutical prescribed for AIDS patients that often enough kills the patient.
One AIDS patient had also been diagnosed with liver cancer so horrific he was given less than a month to live. Within a year of drinking the juice, his AIDS symptoms were completely gone and there were no more tumors in his liver. His doctors told him there was no healing event such as his in the medical literature. See and hear more with the video here and here too.
A doctor involved with one of the 1980s AIDS trials, pathologist H. Reginald McDaniel MD, was at first skeptical and reluctant to lend his expertise. But after contracting viral pneumonia that wasn’t responding to conventional therapy, he requested a “couple of cases” of the Aloe Vera used in the trial for himself. He was completely cured in a few short days.
Soon after his quick and complete viral pneumonia recovery, he started using Aloe vera with his patients, and he has had tremendous results even with cancer cases. Some object to whole leaf versions of Aloe vera juice. There are filleted versions that are effective as supplements for overall health. But the phyonutrients in the leaves are among the miracle workers for serious diseases.