by Barbara Minton
(The Best Years in Life) Evidence is mounting that prolonged exposure to radiation from cell phones carried on the body can lead to breast and other cancers at earlier ages than ever. A new study completed at Breastlink in California has revealed a strong connection between cell phones placed in the bra and the development of breast cancer in young women.
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The research team, led by breast surgeon Dr. Lisa Bailey, noted that breast cancer occurring in women under the age of 40 is uncommon in the absence of family history or genetic predisposition. This well known fact prompted the team to examine other possible exposures and environmental risks that would explain the growing numbers of breast cancers developing in women under the age of 40.
They examined the cases of four women, ages from 21 to 39, who developed multifocal invasive breast cancer, and the possible association of these cases with the radiation from electromagnetic field exposures from cellular phones. Each of the women regularly carried her smart phone directly against her breasts tucked into her brassiere for up to 10 hours a day, and had been doing so for several years.
Each woman developed tumors in the areas of the breasts immediately underlying the phones.
The women had no family history of breast cancer, tested negative for the BRCA1 and BRACA 2 genes associated with breast cancer development, and had no other known breast cancer risks.
A review of their breast images showed clustering of multiple tumor foci in the breast directly under the area of phone contact. The pathology reports of all four women revealed striking similarity:
* All tumors were hormone-positive
* All tumors were low-intermediate grade
* All tumors showed an extensive intraductal component
* All tumors revealed almost identical form and structure, and specific structural features.
While the data from this study does not conclusively prove that cell phones cause breast tumors, the associations are much to strong to overlook. If you are carrying your cellphone in your bra or tucked close to any of the major organs in your body for extended periods, it is time to stop.
Tiffany Franz, on of the four cases studied by Dr. Bailey’s team, told KTVU in Oakland, “I put my cellphone right in my bra.” Tiffany developed breast cancer at the age of 21 and her left breast was removed. “It’s kinda coincidental that it’s right where I kept my cell phone,” she said.
“I thought cellphones were safe”, Donna Jaynes, another participant, told KTVU. She was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39. Her doctor showed KTVU where her tumors developed beneath the skin where her cellphone was carried. Donna also lost her breast.
Dr. John West, also a breast surgeon, told KTVU that “young breasts in the early evolution are more sensitive to changes that might lead to cancer.”
Drs. West and Bailey along with others are ringing the alarm bell and pointing out that men are also getting breast cancer by carrying cellphones in their shirt pockets. Of course the wireless industry denied that the evidence means cellphones cause breast cancer.