by Andrew W. Saul, Editor
(OMNS Feb 15, 2014) Don’t get bogged down by silly claims that multiple vitamins kill, or that antioxidants are bad for you. It is high time to take a look at the record, and review what published medical research actually has been saying for eight decades.
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Year Research
1935 Claus Washington Jungeblut, MD, professor of bacteriology at Columbia University, first publishes on vitamin C as prevention and treatment for polio; in the same year, Jungeblut also shows that vitamin C inactivates diphtheria toxin.
1936 Evan Shute, MD, and Wilfrid Shute, MD, demonstrate that vitamin E-rich wheat germ oil cures angina.
1937 Dr. Jungeblut demonstrates that ascorbate (vitamin C) inactivated tetanus toxin.
1939 William Kaufman, MD, PhD, successfully treats arthritis with niacinamide (vitamin B3).
1940 The Shute brothers publish that vitamin E prevents fibroids and endometriosis, and is curative for atherosclerosis.
1942 Ruth Flinn Harrell, PhD, measures the positive effect of added thiamine (B1) on learning.
1945 Vitamin E is shown to cure hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes, and to decrease the diabetic’s need for insulin.
1946 Vitamin E is shown to greatly improve wound healing, including skin ulcers. It is also demonstrated that vitamin E strengthens and regulates heartbeat, and is effective in cases of claudication, acute nephritis, thrombosis, cirrhosis, and phlebitis; also, William J. McCormick, MD, shows how vitamin C prevents and also cures kidney stones.
1947 Vitamin E is successfully used as therapy for gangrene, inflammation of blood vessels (Buerger’s disease), retinitis, and choroiditis; Roger J. Williams, PhD, publishes on how vitamins can be used to treat alcoholism.
1948 Frederick R. Klenner, MD, a board-certified specialist in diseases of the chest, publishes cures of 41 cases of viral pneumonia using very high doses of vitamin C.
1949 Dr. Kaufman publishes The Common Form of Joint Dysfunction.
1950 Vitamin E is shown to be an effective treatment for lupus erythematosus, varicose veins, and severe body burns.
1951 Vitamin D treatment is found to be effective against Hodgkin’s disease (a cancer of the lymphatic system) and epithelioma.
1954 Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, and colleagues demonstrate that niacin (vitamin B3) can cure schizophrenia; the Shutes’ medical textbook Alpha Tocopherol in Cardiovascular Disease is published; and Dr. McCormick reports that cancer patients tested for vitamin C were seriously deficient, often by as much as 4,500 milligrams.
1955 Niacin is first shown to lower serum cholesterol.
1956 Mayo Clinic researcher William Parsons, MD, and colleagues confirm Hoffer’s use of niacin to lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease; Dr. Harrell demonstrates that supplementation of the pregnant and lactating mothers’ diet with vitamins increases the intelligence quotients of their offspring at three and four years of age.
1957 Dr. McCormick publishes on how vitamin C fights cardiovascular disease.
1960 Dr. Hoffer meets Bill W., cofounder of Alcoholics Anonymous, and uses niacin to eliminate Bill’s longstanding severe depression.
1963 Vitamin D is shown to prevent breast cancer.
1964 Vitamin D is found to be effective against lymph nodal reticulosarcoma (a non-Hodgkin’s lymphatic cancer).
1968 Linus Pauling, PhD, publishes the theoretical basis of high-dose nutrient therapy (orthomolecular medicine) in psychiatry in Science, and soon after defines orthomolecular medicine as “the treatment of disease by the provision of the optimum molecular environment, especially the optimum concentrations of substances normally present in the human body.”
1969 Robert F. Cathcart, MD, uses large doses of vitamin C to treat pneumonia, hepatitis, and, years later, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
1970 Dr. Pauling publishes Vitamin C and the Common Cold and Dr. Williams publishes Nutrition Against Disease.
1972 Publication of The Healing Factor: “Vitamin C” Against Disease by Irwin Stone, PhD.
1973 Dr. Klenner publishes his vitamin supplement protocol to arrest and reverse multiple sclerosis. So does Dr. HT Mount, reporting on 27 years of success using thiamine.
1975 Hugh D. Riordan, MD, and colleagues successfully use large doses of intravenous vitamin C against cancer.
1976 Ewan Cameron, MD, and other physicians in Scotland show that intravenous vitamin C improved quality and length of life in terminal cancer patients
1982 In Japan, Murata, Morishige, and Yamaguchi show that vitamin C greatly prolonged the lives of terminal cancer patients.
1984 Robert F. Cathcart, MD, publishes on the vitamin C treatment of AIDS.