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The Coming Revolution in Medicine


by Capt. Randall

(GreenMedInfo) Does Your Doctor Understand Inflammation?

A Burning Question – Got the -itis? Bronch-itis, arthr-itis, gingiv-itis? The -itis signifies inflammation, as in flame and burning, but inflammation is also at the root of cancers, heart disease and the rest. Inflammation is an acute and usually obvious “get to the doctor” problem where the immune system has been activated by an insult which triggered a powerful response. The intense reaction is simply oxidation, the rapid removal of electrons from one (offending) molecule by another (immune oxidizer), like the flic of a Bic in a dry haystack. An inflammatory response also involves a series of reactions intended to support bursts of oxidation launched like napalm in protection of the organism. Fever, redness, pain and fibrin scarring accompany the incineration of invaders.

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But before a full-on inflammatory immune response takes place, it is preceded by a less noticeable, lower level of chronic inflammation or oxidative stress, where electrons are slowly lost to toxins, metals, free radicals, drugs, inappropriate and acid-forming foods, metabolic wastes or emotional upset. This silent oxidation is more like rust and may even fly below the immune system’s radar. Slow stealthy primary loss of electrons cripples cell function and leads to secondary serious-itisis, like unmistakable arterial plaqueing, joint degeneration, cancers and various opportunistic pathogens.
You Visit Your MD

Your average MD will diagnose secondary symptoms such as that plaqueing, joint degeneration, cancer or infection as the cause and recommend drugs, surgery or chemotherapy. He will not pursue the actual primary root causes of these conditions, but treat only the acute downstream symptoms.

Perhaps it was penicillin that created the impression that bacteria caused illness because an antibiotic made it go away? Not so! The out-of-control bacteria found safe harbor in an already immunodeficient low-energy, low-oxygen, chronically inflamed, oxidatively stressed environment. Penicillin knocked-off the opportunistic bugs, but did nothing to cancel their open invitation.

Or maybe limited success destroying cancers with radiation or chemicals gave us the idea that cancer was a mutant enemy growth that could eat Chicago? Wrong again. The cancer is simply a group of your once normal cells that were oxygen-deprived and energy-starved. These cells went rogue just to survive in an acidic, stagnant charge terrain.

Genetic weaknesses are now being blamed for many conditions where “epi-genetic” non-expression is more than likely. Are the genes defective or just playing possum? Genetic expression is closely linked to charge environment. Gene transcription, cell division, telomere (DNA end-caps) integrity and one’s lifespan all depend on charge and anything that robs voltage, like toxins, metals or low vibrating emotional states will disrupt DNA expression.

The pharma approach plays symptomatic “whack-a-mole” without addressing underlying first causes. This non-sense science is high-volume assembly line medicine at best, and usually just plain wrong. The truth is, inexpensive treatments aimed at relieving oxidative stress and inflammation work when applied correctly, and many holistic physicians use them. In fact, practically every vitamin, mineral, herb, natural therapy and lifestyle choice converges on restoring electron energy to supply the requisite conditions for normal cell function and allow the body to heal itself. Urgent circumstance can demand intervention with drugs or surgeries, but used judiciously in light of possible side effects, with follow-ups to address the reason they were required.
The Word is Out. A Tree Fell in The Forest … Just Nobody Heard It!

Dr. Stephen Sinatra figured this out: voltage matters and electron energy is essential to health. He calls energy medicine the wave of the future, when “electro-ceuticals” will be used to safely reject low-energy, low-vibrating chronic disease brought on by multiple stressors and the excessive release of cortisol. Cortisol causes the autonomic nervous system to shift into sympathetic fight/flight mode and out of parasympathetic cell repair functions. In his son’s case, intense electromagnetic fields in his workplace disrupted the coherence and energy levels of his molecules, crippling his cells. Earthing/grounding and optimizing electron levels are becoming known as “the most important medical discovery of all time.” Physics and chemistry do exert influence on a human body made of molecules, matter and energy. Click here to watch a video about Dr Stephen Sinatra M.D. and his son, Step Sinatra, sharing their experiences after being treated with the Electro Acuscope and Myopulse by John Thorp using his Electro Toxicology Protocols.
E = Energy … E = Electrons … E = Everything

We are the “crunchy” star energy of the universe, the same energy that consolidated into matter at the instant of creation. All life is energy and all complex living molecules require constant energy inputs to retain their integrity, lest they degrade to ground states via oxidation. Luckily, we earthlings are powered by our sole energy source: the Sun. We “eat” light and heat captured in food, air and water, and absorb energy directly, like a geranium, through our skin, eyes and brain, as photons bump electrons into higher energy orbits. Call it life force, chi, prana, kundalini or bio-energy, all the same — all simply flowing electrons and the organizing fields they create.

Electrons in motion are called electricity and generate magnetic fields, just as magnetic fields reciprocally cause electrons to flow. High-voltage circuits run through the nervous system and heart. Body fluids, vessels, fascia and other connective tissues conduct the electric juice, too, and so inner electron flows give rise to the human energy field and connect us to the universe. When well charged, your cells’ aquatic environment transports oxygen efficiently — and a steady supply of oxygen is needed to power mitochondria, where more electrons are generated. Raise charge to facilitate oxygen delivery … which raises energy levels … which raise vibratory frequencies … which order and strengthen energy fields … which govern the particles ( Einstein ) inside and outside the body to enhance biological function, health and harmony with the universe.

Following this electro-chemical line of thinking, fatty cell membranes interface body fluids and form a wet-cell battery of sorts which stores and conducts electrons. Electrolyte minerals are shuttled in and out of membranes to maintain appropriate charge differentials/potentials and optimize oxygen transport. This is why attention to mineral levels, eating healthful fats, and protecting fatty membranes from oxidation, are critical to oxygen delivery and the ongoing production of cell energy.

The body is designed to continually repair and replicate itself and that takes energy, electrons. The nervous system must generate huge amounts of energy to produce strong electric currents that manifest as thought and fields of consciousness as the brain directs the entire organism.

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