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Big Pharma Fails at Dementia Prevention


by Paul Fassa

(The Best Years in Life) Alzheimer’s disease is at the forefront of dementia. Milder forms of dementia are considered normal aspects of growing old with those “senior moments” such as standing with the refrigerator door open and wondering why you’re there in the first place and name recall lapses.

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There are herbs for these lesser dementia syndrome manifestations that are less debilitating than Alzheimer’s. Boca Monnieri and Kotu Kola are Ayurveda herbs that are sometimes most effective when mixed together at a ratio that favors Boca. They help maintain clarity, focus, and recall. These I know first hand. There are certainly other herbs from other medical systems as well. Use your search engine to find others if you wish.

But Alzheimer’s is the big bad concern. It’s occurrence is rising exponentially as it renders individuals completely helpless or dead. There have been three attempts since 2012 to create an effective and not too terribly toxic pharmaceutical solution to Alzheimer’s. They all failed, causing worsening conditions with an occasional death during testing.

A few years ago Dr. Mary Newport’s discovery of using coconut oil to reverse her husbands advanced Alzheimer’s disease made a big splash in the alternative health media. Some of this splash managed to wet a few pages of the mainstream media (MSM), and Dr. Newport wrote a book about her discovery for hubby’s turn-around called Alzheimer’s Disease: What If There Was a Cure?: The Story of Ketones.

Actually, the use of high saturated fat diets to create ketones for neurological disorders, even epilepsy, was created by Johns Hopkins Medical Center in the 1920s. Ketones are processed easily from medium chain tryglicerides (MCT) in certain fats to provide fuel for brain cells when carbohydrate metabolism fails within the brain. Coconut oil is big on MCTs.

Facts About Fats

However, the false dogma of cholesterol and saturated fats took over in the 1950s, and the processed food industry made hay promoting low or no fat foods, margarine, and unsaturated processed oils (hydrogenated) for cooking and salads. All toxic and contributing to inflammation, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Coconut oil was vilified, and margarine replaced butter.

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