by Caroline Petvin
(Health Secrets) Ear acupuncture is a safe and effective way to relieve pregnancy related lower back and posterior pelvic pain, known commonly as PRLP. This is the conclusion from a recent study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Most women are reluctant to take drugs during pregnancy because of the risk to their baby, so ear acupuncture provides a natural way to combat PRLP without the need for drugs.
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How common is PRLP?
Lower back pain affects a large percentage of the American population and pregnancy is seen as a major contributing factor. Around 20% of pregnant women report lower back and pelvic pain, including 2 million women in the U.S. each year. For many women, symptoms of PRLP can continue after they give birth.
As well as pain in the lower back, many pregnant women complain of pain in the buttocks and the front of the pelvic area, in addition to pain radiating down their legs. This type of pain usually becomes worse after standing for long periods of time, and is one of the key reasons given for absence or sick leave during pregnancy. The earlier back pain is experienced during pregnancy, the more severe it is likely to become, and the greater the chances that it will continue after the birth.
What is ear acupuncture?