by Margie King, Health Coach
( Do you remember the TV commercial where someone smacks themselves in the head and cries “I could have had a V8!” Maybe there is something to a tap on the head and making better food choices according to a new study from Griffith University’s School of Medicine in Australia.
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Research by Dr. Peta Stapleton indicates that “emotional freedom technique” or EFT, can be successful in reducing food cravings for up to six months in people who are overweight or obese.
EFT is a type of psychological acupressure which combines gentle tapping on pressure points on the head and other parts of the body while mentally focusing on particular emotions and thoughts. The technique is painless and easy to learn through a practitioner or at a multitude of sites on the internet.
The technique was created by Gary Craig who is neither a psychologist nor a licensed therapist, but a Stanford engineering graduate and an ordained minister with the non-denominational Universal Church of God in Southern California. Although endorsed by such alternative health gurus as Deepak Chopra, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Candace Pert, there are, not surprisingly, many skeptics of EFT.
Dr. Stapleton, however, claims that her research showed that common cravings for sweet carbohydrates such as cakes and chocolate or salty foods such as chips were significantly reduced after just four 2-hour sessions of tapping. Improvements in cravings were also maintained at a six-month follow-up.