by Cresence Allen
( Should you drink chlorophyll water as a cleansing tonic? Chlorophyll counteracts the toxins in food, the environment, and those that occur from lifestyle choices. Chlorophyll energizes, reduces aches and pains, aids digestion, and tones the stomach. Research has shown less body inflammation, improved metabolism, and balanced alkaline/acid in those who use chlorophyll.
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Chlorophyll is the green pigment found in plants, which gives them the ability to absorb light and produce energy. Green plants/foods convert carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into oxygen. Chlorophyll is chemically identical to human blood except the center element in chlorophyll is magnesium, while the center element in blood is iron.
According to some researchers, chlorophyll literally becomes human blood because chlorophyll has the ability to release magnesium and absorb iron as the central element. Thus it becomes hemoglobin and this increases the body’s ability to disburse oxygen.
Symptoms of body toxicity are:
Poor digestion
Sluggish colon
Reduced liver function
Poor kidney function
Impaired respiratory system
Skin Conditions
Excess mucus and congestion
Over-acidity is a widespread problem in the USA. The reasons for this include stress, excessive sugar intake (including alcoholic beverages), and bad food combinations. The overly acidic body is the breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, illness and disease.
Chlorophyll ingestion keeps the circulatory and digestive systems much healthier. It is included in many of the natural nutritional supplements because of its benefits to the body. The body’s ability to alkalize is a powerful process for turning off carcinogenic incubations.