Sept. 08, 2014
by Paul Fassa
(Health Secrets) Autism is a spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders that typically manifests before a child reaches the age of four years. Autism disrupts the communication system of the child and this disruption manifests in a variety of ways including behavior problems, hyperactivity, destructiveness, self-harm, aggression, and sleep and eating disorders. The causes of autism are not well understood, however oxidative stress and antioxidant status have been shown to be important factors. Clearly the cost of autism is on the rise.
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The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition (DSM-5) merged each distinct autism subtype into one simplified diagnosis, Autism Spectrum Disorder.
There’s no autism epidemic, right?
Mainstream media, Big Pharma and the CDC are desperately trying to convince the American public there isn’t an autism epidemic. Instead, the official cover-up explanation is that what we are actually seeing is an “increased awareness” of autism, not an epidemic.
So no need to worry; autism has been with us all along at comparable rates. It was merely under diagnosed.
How common is autism?
One in 68 children are currently being diagnosed with autism (1 in 42 boys), and diagnosis is on the rise. Autism is the fastest-growing developmental disability in the U.S. Boys are nearly five times more likely than girls to develop autism. There is no allopathic medical detection or cure for autism.
What causes autism?
Officialdom promotes the notion that there is no known cause for autism other than genetic factors or prior undetected brain abnormalities, which unfortunately predispose a small but growing percentage of the population to autism.
However, the medical establishment is absolutely certain that vaccines do not cause autism. In fact, most “scientific” studies show no causation between vaccines and autism. Not very reassuring considering that recent revelations have brought to light just how corrupt and fraudulent many scientific studies are.