December 01, 2014
by Paul Fassa
(SilverBulletin) Today, the growing number of people opting out of getting or not having their children vaccinated is considered “anti-science”. They’re also called “vaccine deniers” as vaccine related injuries and deaths mount among the former believers of the medical mafia and its highly heralded triumphs of modern medicine from the mainstream media.
[Sponsor Links: Vaccine Detox Protocol]
The CDC has declared vaccines and pharmaceutical antibiotics as the greatest medical achievements in the 20th Century. Both achievements are bogus. Both create long term harm if not immediate adverse effects, which are both good for the medical industry’s bottom line.
This whole vaccination madness began a couple of hundred years ago with the introduction of the smallpox vaccine. Almost immediately and soon after, there were those who were outspoken against the this approach to disease prevention.
Not long after Edward Jenner had introduced his cow pus smallpox vaccination just before the 19th Century began, smallpox incidents began to rise, even among those vaccinated. The worst small pox epidemic occurred shortly after the 1850s when the British government had made small pox vaccinations mandatory.
The famous English playwright, George Bernard Shaw, was vaccinated according to British law as a child against smallpox in the 19th Century. But he was afflicted with the disease a few years later and became a staunch anti-vaccination advocate. He was challenged on his stance that vaccinations are a “filthy piece of witchcraft which did more harm than good” by the medical establishment.
Shaw responded to the challenge by referencing his own personal experience, adding the following: “Meanwhile I had studied the literature and statistics of the subject. I even induced a celebrated bacteriologist to read Jenner. I have no doubt whatever that vaccination is an unscientific abomination and should be made a criminal practice.”
Whatever happened to the Smallpox Vaccine? “Routine smallpox vaccination in the United States ended in 1972. Officials are hesitant to resume the immunizations because the vaccine is the most reactive of all and has been linked to serious side effects, including death.” ~ Reuters, November 29, 2001
Now small pox is declared a dead disease with all the credit going to the vaccines. “Claims that vaccination is responsible for the decline in smallpox deaths are facile. The incontrovertible fact is that smallpox deaths increased with vaccination and declined with declining vaccination rates.” See more with statistics here:
Graphic evidence that vaccines did not eradicate other diseases that were claimed as proof that vaccines work, but instead the diseases had declined significantly just as the vaccines were introduced is also available here.
Raggedy Ann Creator’s Daughter Died from Smallpox Vaccinations
Johnny Gruelle (1880-1938) created the Quintessential Raggedy Ann doll in 1915 (US patent D47789). Mr. Gruelle was a successful American writer, cartoonist, storyteller and illustrator who worked for a popular magazine at the time called Physical Culture.
Johnny had originally created the Raggedy Ann doll and several children’s books as an unlikely protagonist gracing the many stories he began writing to entertain his young sickly daughter, Marcella.
For those who are not familiar or who have forgotten, Raggedy Ann was the stunning, character staring in a series of stories for young children. She was a rag doll who sported bright, red yarn hair and a triangle nose.
Most are unaware that Gruelle’s famous Raggedy Ann storybooks and illustrations were based in large part on Marcella’s childhood adventures. Not long after the creation of the much beloved Raggedy Ann, Gruelle’s only child and 13 year old daughter Marcella died a painful death after receiving a routine small pox vaccination at school, which was given without parental consent.