January 29, 2015
By Natural Blaze
(NaturalBlaze.com) New Book Reveals a Natural Option for Parents Seeking Vaccine Alternatives
The decision parents make not to vaccinate doesn’t have to mean they are leaving their child vulnerable to disease. Author Cilla Whatcott, in her second book on the subject, explains that for over 200 years children and adults have been protected against disease another way.
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Homeoprophylaxis may not be widely known in North America, but it has been used in multiple countries, India, Brazil, Cuba, the United States, Europe, Australia and many others.
Cilla Whatcott urges parents to learn more about Homeoprophylaxis as an option. In There is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis—An Appeal to Mothers, Cilla describes her personal travail which led her to discover this alternative. An adoptive mother to three children and one natural child, Cilla’s third child was injured by multiple vaccine injections on the same day.
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