February 02, 2015
by Tony Isaacs
(AlignLIfe.com) For the past few generations we have been told by mainstream medicine that their drugs are safer and more effective than natural alternatives such as those mankind has used for healing for thousands of years. Similarly, we have been told that herbs and other natural alternatives are unproven, of little or no value, and may be dangerous. However, history tells us an entirely different story.
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Proponents of mainstream drugs and critics of natural healing usually cite the lack of scientific studies proving the effectiveness or safety of herbs and natural alternatives. Likewise, mainstream drug advocates point to the wealth of studies which prove the effectiveness and safety of patented mainstream drugs. However, relatively few comprehensive studies have been conducted on herbs other than to find a compound that can be synthesized or uniquely isolated from them so that it can be patented and profited from by the drug companies. Drug companies are by far the largest source of funding for medical studies and the cost of such studies is a huge barrier for natural alternatives. The FDA trial process costs hundreds of millions of dollars, and no one can afford to get a natural item approved that they cannot control. Whole herbs and extracts of herbs that contain multiple compounds found in nature cannot be patented.
Despite the complicated, expensive and time consuming process of getting FDA approval, many point to all the harmful drugs that have been approved as an indication that the system is deeply flawed and rigged in favor of those who have the money. It has been shown that studies sponsored by drug companies or others with an agenda tend to return positive results for the funders up to eight times more often than independent studies on the same item.
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