by Paul Fassa, Health Journalist
( Linus Pauling is the biochemist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1954 with his pace setting research that included inorganic and organic chemistry in addition to his work with vitamin C. Amazingly, there are some among the mainstream medical establishment who continue to marginalize his work and debunk the merits of vitamin C. They are the real quacks, by the way.
Here’s what Linus Pauling had to say about vitamin C and heart health in 1992:
“…we can get almost complete control of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes by the proper use of vitamin C and lysine. It can prevent cardiovascular disease and even cure it. If you are at risk of heart disease, …or if you have had a mild heart attack yourself, then you had better be taking vitamin C and lysine.” (emphasis added)
Both of these supplements, lysine and vitamin C, are available on this Utopia Silver website. I’ll explain how Linus Pauling’s remedy works and you can see how easy it is to implement.
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