July 10, 2015
(NaturalBlaze.com) Note: from Health Nut News Founder: I’ve reported on the deaths of 3 holistic doctors in the last 2 weeks, and now 2 MD’s who who have gone missing in recent days. I felt you’d want to see this article that came out yesterday on the subject of the AMA and holistic doctors who speak out below. Oh, and I found 3 more doctors killed in the last month or so. One died in a motorcycle accident (cancer doctor) one in a plane crash and the other shot. I’ll be reporting on those 3 shortly. I don’t know if those three were holistic and am investigating further before publishing my piece. My heart goes out to ALL their families, patients and loved ones. In the meantime this might interest you:
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AMA issues new threat to outspoken holistic doctors
If it was not already clear that natural medicine was in the cross-hairs of organized medicine, it certainly is now. Recently, the American Medical Association (AMA) began crafting its ‘ethical guidelines for physicians in the media’ to ‘defend the integrity of the profession.’ The new guidelines will target unorthodox medical information that the AMA deems dubious and unsubstantiated and create disciplinary guidelines for doctors who make public claims that do not align with the ‘best available science’.
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