July 10, 2015
(GreenMedInfo.com) Almost overnight, measles went from being characterized as a natural rite of passage necessary for strengthening immunity to a deadly infection against which we have only one hope against complete destruction: 100% vaccine uptake. The truth is that measles and other childhood infections may actually protect against life-threatening conditions like cancer and heart disease.
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Not long ago, measles infection was considered a normal immunological rite of passage in children, with the CDC itself still identifying anyone born before 1957 as having presumptive evidence of immunity against measles due to the lasting protection conferred by natural exposure. Check out this video on measles as depicted in the media half a century ago, wherein it is the subject of laughter and not mortal fear.
How, then, have we strayed so far from this awareness into the mousetrap of ignorance and irrational fear that followed the California Disneyland outbreak which was used to push through the approval of SB277, removing all but the illusory medical exemption from California? How did measles go from not only a benign and perhaps necessary childhood exposure to a presumably deadly one?
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