Dateline: Utopia, Texas
by Briana McDonald, Natural Health Writer
( Digestive enzymes unlock the nutrients in your food. In fact, every single metabolic function in your body is governed by enzymes. Your stamina, your energy level, your ability to utilize vitamins and minerals, your immune system — all governed by enzymes. They are categorized by the macronutrients that they release—proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Digestive enzymes play key roles in our health by enabling our bodies to digest and utilize all the nutrients we ingest to the greatest extent possible. Moreover, these enzymes play key roles in our health in the elimination of toxins and the digestion and removal of scar tissue that builds up inside us as we age.
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Raw foods are naturally rich in enzymes. Vegetables and fruits contain plant enzymes that assist with their own digestion. Raw dairy also contains enzymes that help the body to break down milk sugars, which are often difficult to digest. Proper metabolic function requires at least 13 kinds of vitamins and 20 kinds of minerals, in addition to fats, carbohydrates and water. All of these items combine to ensure that when food is consumed it gets broken down to its basic component parts for absorption and then is transported by the blood stream throughout the body.
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