November 30, 2015
( The importance of hormones? Believe it or not, it’s true that hormones are of supreme importance to your health and well being, because they are the master controllers of the entire body. Nothing can surpass a full complement of balanced hormones in terms of keeping you healthy. No matter how many organic fruits and vegetables you eat, how many supplements you take, or how many hours you spend at the gym, you won’t achieve the vibrant health you want unless all of your hormones are at optimal levels and in perfect balance.
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The silence of the medical establishment on the subject of hormones is a testament to their great importance. When all hormones are at optimal levels and in perfect balance, there is no need to be a customer for what they are selling.
Remember the word homeostasis from high school? It refers to the stable equilibrium of physical processes in the body. It is the role of hormones to achieve and maintain homeostasis.
Read more of this great article and then please go to for great supplements and protocols–>