December 10, 2015
Dateline: Santa Fe, New Mexico
by Paul Fassa, Natural health Journalist
( The TMB (Texas Medical Board) goes after all doctors aggressively who stray from what standards the AMA and Big Pharma dictate, regardless of that doctor’s successes. They are the local state cops for the FDA and AMA. They have been used to witch-hunt locally for whomever the FDA and AMA want stopped from healing successfully outside their medical monopoly guidelines. Rather than embracing his innovation and success at curing cancer the medical mafia of Texas is putting a cancer genius on trial yet again.
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An example of TMB harassment occurred a few years ago with Dr. Ken, Utopia Silver’s own resident Naturopath. Dr. Ken ended the TMB threats by essentially declaring they could take his license because he didn’t want to be part of a medical system that kills more than cures. Dr. Ken is now a Naturopath with an MD background. You can read about it here.
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