May 5, 2016
( Highlights from the 4th Annual International Integrative Oncology Conference in San Diego. April 16th, 2016
I was intrigued by a presentation by Dr Nooshin Darvish, of five cases of Glioblastoma Multiforme treated over ten years in her Holistique clinic located in Bellevue, Washington. All five tumor biopsy samples stained positive for the spirochete parasite,Borrelia, the organism found in Lyme disease.(1) The patient’s tumors regressed upon treatment for parasitic disease, and progressed when treatments were halted. The pathology report by Alan MacDonald, M.D.,can be seen here: Glioblastoma Five cases positive for Borrelia FISH Probes Alan MacDonald Darvish.
This information was new to me, so I wondered if Borrelia had been associated with any other types of cancer. A quick literature search answered the question. Dr Claudia Schöllkopf reported in Blood 2008 that patients who tested positive for Borrella antibodies had a 4 times higher risk of Mantle Cell lymphoma. (2) Four years previously, in 2004, Borrelia organisms had been identified in two cases of nodal lymphoma.(3) Left image: Worm-like structure are the Borellia parasite SEM scanning electron microscopy, courtesy of the Coltons Point Times.
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