Dateline: Santa Fe, New Mexico
by Paul Fassa
(UtopiaSilver.com) There are close to 150 autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis (MS), Crohn’s Disease, asthma, allergies, fibromyalgia, and more. They cause chronic inflammation and some can be fatal. As a group, it ranks behind only heart disease and cancer for morbidity and mortality. Mainstream claims no cure for autoimmune diseases, but they keep coming up with toxic drugs that don’t work as real solutions and in fact worsen patients’ conditions!
I have a neighbor younger than I with lupus. She has bouts of extreme fatigue and headaches. Chronic painful and swollen joints. Anemia (low numbers of red blood cells or hemoglobin with swelling (edema) in feet, legs, hands, and/or around eyes. In addition to her swollen lower legs, her torso is almost as wide as she is tall.
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