October 17, 2016
by Paul Fassa
(UtopiaSilver.com) Many of us know the importance of a healthy diet consisting of non-processed organically produced food, whether Paleo or vegan or somewhere in between. All the chemicals, antibiotics, and hormones used in the standard American diet agriculture are major contributors to our increasingly diseased nation.
That’s why buying organic or locally produced produce is important. At least consult the Ecology Working Group (EWG) produce pesticide level tables online to determine what non-organic produce you can eat with minimal toxicity potential. For example, thick skinned produce from trees, like avocados, are usually less chemically laden. And that happens to be one of the three cancer fighting foods below.
What’s best is that these foods are relatively common and within most folks’ budget even if organic. And they’re tasty too!
Alligator pear is avocado’s nickname. That’s partly because of its usually lumpy protective alligator-like skin and color. And it is actually a fruit.