November 21, 2016
( The rise in health conditions such cancer, diabetes, asthma, obesity, autoimmune diseases and even mental disorders like ADHD, run parallel with the rise in usage of chemicals in agriculture and industry. Our environment is highly contaminated, the average person now has thousands of chemicals in their body that their grandparents did not have, and many people intentionally put hundreds of chemicals on and in their bodies each day.
One of the most dangerous chemicals in use, atrazine, is the second most commonly used herbicide in the United States, and although it was banned in the European Union over a decade ago, lobbyists for the agro-chemical industry have ensured that Americans will continue to be exposed to it.
As a known endocrine system disruptor, it is known to cause deformities in frogs and rats, to severely decrease their fertility, and to even cause gender changes in some frogs.
Atrazine is a common agricultural herbicide with endocrine disruptor activity. There is evidence that it interferes with reproduction and development, and may cause cancer. Although the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved its continued use in October 2003, that same month the European Union (EU) announced a ban of atrazine because of ubiquitous and unpreventable water contamination. The authors reviewed regulatory procedures and government documents, and report efforts by the manufacturer of atrazine, Syngenta, to influence the U.S. atrazine assessment, by submitting flawed scientific data as evidence of no harm, and by meeting repeatedly and privately with EPA to negotiate the government’s regulatory approach. Many of the details of these negotiations continue to be withheld from the public, despite EPA regulations and federal open-government laws that require such decisions to be made in the open. [Source]