by Paul Fassa
(The Best Years in Life) It’s becoming common knowledge that correctly prescribed pharmaceuticals are among highest causes of death in the USA, and that the medical system in general is responsible for more deaths in the USA than any other sphere of activity! For this article, let’s isolate a dangerous ingredient common to both prescription painkillers and over the counter (OTC) cold remedies and painkillers – Acetaminophen.
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It is in over 100 OTC pain pills such as Tylenol and other cold remedies, including cold, cough, and fever remedies for children. It’s also in prescription drugs such as Vicodin and Percocet. By the way, the high death tolls recorded on deaths from properly prescribed drugs do not include OTC drugs, which would raise that statistic even higher.
But although this article focuses on acetaminophen, all other NSAIDs (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Ibuprofen and Excedrin also have harmful side effects and should be avoided.
What’s Wrong With Acetaminophen
Hospital emergency (ERs) carry a rapid glutathione booster pharmaceutical version of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) to rescue the liver from acetaminophen poisoning. It has to be in ERs because acetaminophen liver poisoning ER incidents occur often! The acetaminophen destroys glutathione and the liver goes into extreme stress, sometimes causing death.
Acetaminophen also endangers the kidneys. But hepatotoxicity (liver poisoning) can be acute enough to cause death or with steady use, gradually cause chronic health problems involving the liver or kidneys, even cancer.
The U.S. Acute Liver Failure Study Group found that 50% of all liver failures are from acetaminophen poisoning. Other follow up studies on steady OTC acetaminophen drug users have shown that 60% were more prone to suffer hearing loss or become asthmatic. Dependence on acetaminophens hinders your immune system.
Anyone using a prescription painkiller or taking OTC drugs with acetaminophen for colds, fever, or minor aches and pains is raising liver failure risks considerably, especially if they are used regularly and often. Anyone with liver issues should avoid all pain killers with acetaminophen.
Alternatives to Acetaminophen and NSAIDs
Getting rid of a fever should not be a focal point, which is what several OTC acetaminophen drugs promote. Fever is usually a natural response to viral invasions. The higher body temperature makes life difficult for viruses and impedes viral replication. Bundle up and sweat it out.
And those OTC drugs don’t get rid of colds, they simply numb the discomfort caused by the cold. Reaching for the OTC solutions in your local convenience or drugstore when you get the sniffles is a bad habit enabled by TV commercials and other ads. Seems like many MDs enable those habits too.
Baking soda or bicarbonate of soda (not baking powder) has an early 20th Century history of being prescribed for flu and colds by AMA physicians. A few days of drinking a teaspoonful dissolved in water was generally recommended. If abnormal gastrointestinal effects were experienced, the patient was advised to decrease the dosage.