Ignoring Supplements Means Unnecessary Deaths
by Andrew W. Saul, Editor (OMNS Dec 17, 2013) Twenty-six years ago, I worked with a client (woman, late 20s) who was HIV positive. She was a heavy drinker and drug user, a smoker, had a terrible diet,...
View ArticleBill Gates’ Project Tycho and Vaccine Voodoo
by Gary Null, PhD & Richard Gale (GreenMedInfo) Population cohort and ecologic studies have become today’s norm for determining vaccine efficacy and support the belief that vaccination has safely...
View ArticleEnd Insomnia and Induce Sweet Dreams Naturally
by Luella May [Sponsor Supplement Links: Orchex, Intramax] (Health Secrets) Insomnia adversely affects the lives of millions of people every day. It does so by disrupting the circadian rhythm, which...
View ArticleNews Media Ignores Supplement Benefits . . .Again
(OMNS Dec 20, 2013) Nutritional supplementation with antioxidants and the B-complex vitamins has been shown to help prevent dementia. Half of all cases of Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia,...
View ArticleMultiple Infant Vaccines Linked To Dramatically Increased Mortality
by Sayer Ji (GreenMedInfo) A new study published in the journal Vaccine has brought to light an extremely disturbing though still virtually unreported dark side to immunization campaigns within...
View ArticleAnnals of Internal Medicine Claims Black is White
by Tracy Kolenchuk (GreenMedInfo) The Annals of Internal Medicine today published an editorial titled “Enough Is Enough: Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements”. The editorial tells us...
View ArticleA Tale of Two Brains: Second One Is Key To Understanding Chronic Illnesses
by Dr. David Hartz, DC Not many people realize they have two brains. Yes, you read that right. And your second brain may have more to do with your health that you ever imagined. We tend to think of our...
View ArticleHand Sanitizer and Antibacterial Soap Ruin Your Immune System
by Barbara Minton (Health Secrets) As far back as 2007, the prestigious Harvard Health Letter reported that regular soap and water is just as effective at cleansing hands of bacteria as antibacterial...
View ArticleThe Final Word on Supplements: Yeah, Right.
by Mark McCarty (OMNS Dec 21, 2013) “Centrum Silver Adults 50+” was the low-dose multivitamin tested in a much-trumpeted recent study that “proved that supplements don’t work.” Here is the...
View ArticleFrankincense Superior to Chemo in Killing Ovarian Cancer Cells
by Ken McGowan (GreenMedInfo) Like the Magi, carrying myrrh, frankincense, and gold, researchers from the University of Leicester have, for the first time, demonstrated the potential of treating...
View ArticleMistletoe Extract Beats Chemo Against Colon Cancer Cells
by Margie King (GreenMedInfo) The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe at Christmas can be traced back to ancient Scandinavian rules of war. The story goes that if enemies found themselves standing...
View ArticleEnding Autism, ADHD, Behavior Problems with Probiotics
by Paul Fassa (Health Secrets) Can healing your child’s gut really cure autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or other behavior problems? Hypocrites proclaimed that all disease...
View ArticleCommon Pain Killer Ingredient that Kills by Liver Failure
by Paul Fassa (The Best Years in Life) It’s becoming common knowledge that correctly prescribed pharmaceuticals are among highest causes of death in the USA, and that the medical system in general is...
View ArticleFlu Vaccine Behind Increase in Guillain-Barre Syndrome
by Ethan Huff (Health Secrets) The vaccine widely administered for H1N1, also known as “swine flu”, is linked to causing neurological damage in the form of Guillain-Barre syndrome. This is the finding...
View ArticleA Mother’s Decision: The First Shot, Hepatitis B
by Dr. Kelley Brogan, MD The day has come and your little bundle is here. The wonder of it is overwhelming: this human grew out of two cells, inside you, and despite those last couple of days feeling...
View ArticleInfo Based Medicine: Antidote To Over-Medicated System
by Rob Kress “Over the past two decades the pharmaceutical industry has moved very far from its original high purpose of discovering and producing useful, new drugs. Now primarily a marketing machine...
View ArticleThermograms are the Safe Alternative to Mammograms
by Patty Donovan (Health Secrets) Recently there has been an uproar in the media about the new mammography screening guidelines that increase the age at which to start and the time frame between...
View ArticleFight Breast Cancer with Zinc and Selenium
by Barbara Minton (Health Secrets) Any woman wanting to avoid breast cancer or its recurrence needs to be aware of the real risk factors. These are not the factors you can’t do anything to change that...
View ArticleDo You Have a Dangerous Vitamin Deficiency?
by Lynn Allison (NewsMaxHealth) In a modern nation such as the United States, where food is abundant and most people have access to good healthcare, you might think vitamin deficiencies would be rare....
View Article7 Things Better than Drugs for Health and Healing
by Sayer Ji (GreenMedInfo) Natural medicine is an amazing field, full of inspiring stories and an ever-accumulating body of scientific research to support its increasingly popular view of health....
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