by Christina sarich
(NaturalSociety) If you’ve been confused or leery about the truth of chemtrails, then you may want to watch the full video of the public hearing that recently took place in Shasta, CA on the covert weather manipulation and geoengineering.
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There were over 50 requests from people in the crowd who attended that wanted to speak on this subject. The room was bursting at the seams, and many experts talked openly about the topic, demanding that public officials look into the phenomenon of chemtrails more thoroughly.
Topics that were addressed at the public meeting included:
Climate engineering, and what it is
Heavy metal contamination
Extreme UV radiation
Engineered drought, and
Lack of public disclosure
Many government shills have tried to debunk chemtrails, and entire websites have been dedicated to telling all of us that the persistent chemtrails we see in the sky are harmless (just like GMOs, and tobacco, vaccines, etc.) and nothing more than contrails (water vapor).
Read: How to Detox Chemtrail Poisons
Residents of Mt. Shasta, CA have watched their skies fill with chemtrails, and many have lamented their observations publicly. One resident wrote the following on a chemtrail awareness site:
“Friends, I am just almost without words, absolutely astonished, it hardly makes sense from any rational perspective. All I can say is that I wish for each of you, that the skies over your cities do not look like these attached photos of the skies over Mount Shasta. This is one of the worst chemtrail spraying days I have seen in a long time. I have heard that many other cites are getting sprayed like this as well. I don’t know what we can do, I have no more suggestions at this time.
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