May 16, 2016
( If you remember from the series, “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest,” we interviewed Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, who is healing people from cancer every day with his anti-neoplaston therapies. Well, as we’ve shared many times before, actually curing cancer would be detrimental to the pharmaceutical industry…
So much so that they’re willing to do whatever it takes to silence the doctors and keep their poisons as the only solutions. They’re trying to do that now with Dr. Burzynski by revoking his medical license. We sent our film crew to the first part of the trial in November of last year (see video below for our report from November) and we just sent them this week to capture more footage and get us a full report.
Read the rest of this great article and watch the videos and then please go to for COLLOIDAL SILVER and other great supplements and protocols–>